Thursday 21 June 2012

Bad medicine

There is a deficit in this country that can be tackled through a mixture of cuts and taxes; the latter not being particularly good for growth, attention has focused on the former. This is nothing that the private sector hasn’t already experienced; whether through pay cuts, redundancies or the cutting of employer pension contributions. A similar exercise is underway for public sector workers whose own pensions tend to be more generous, and the decision made that proportionally more of the burden would fall on those most able to pay; it’s not a label I particularly care for, but this is often called ‘progressive’. Over several months there have been strikes from various public sectors, each convinced that someone else should pay. Today it was the turn of doctors; their own unintentionally amusing take is that they are disproportionally affected. It’s as if they’re not aware - not even the liberals amongst them, of whom I know a few - that this is the whole point.


  1. There were many good things about being a public sector worker that I really appreciated, and now I am retired, I appreciate one thing even more... but I never got to choose whether or not I paid my taxes.

    The Cabinet, with self-serving logic, is, it seems, hoping to persuade really rich people, like themselves, who avoid taxes because the government allows them to, to behave philanthropically and choose to pay up at a lower rate.

    I think, and of course I may be wrong, that the philanthropic among them are paying their whack already.

    Oops, sorry, I forgot about the doctors. Perhaps they have a point?

    I shall listen with amusement for the Treasury's explanation of why this bright idea has failed to raise the expected revenue. I'm sure it will be a good one.
